Block Name:“Sampler Quilts”
Host Name: Millbrook South Cavan Public School
Address: 47 Tupper St., Millbrook

In the spring of 2016, Mrs. Sturgeon’s Grade 4 class, made up of 28 students ages 9-10, enthusiastically embraced the Barn Quilt Trail project and worked together to produce “Sampler Quilts” which is displayed on the south-facing wall of the Millbrook South Cavan Public School.  Sampler quilts, popular since the mid-1800s, are comprised of different block patterns that are generally non-repeating, providing an ideal format for this class project.  Members of the Millbrook Needlers Quilt Guild, led by CMBQT’s Elaine Young, worked with the students, encouraging them to use skills relating to mathematics, history, literature, art and design.  Each student designed and painted their own square, and wrote a short account of the inspiration for their design and the process of creating their own unique block.

This project began with Elaine and her Quilt Guild volunteers meeting with the class to show them some examples of fabric quilts, and reading a story, Oma’s Quilt by Paulette Bourgeois, that talks about how a quilt can hold treasured memories.  The students then had an opportunity to look through books, magazines and on-line to appreciate the variety of quilt block designs.  Then they put their imaginations to work.  Challenged to come up with their own designs, some chose video game themes and characters; others found inspiration in what they saw around them or in a memory of a special moment.  Among the sampler blocks can be found a ferris wheel, a butterfly, geometric shapes, flags and emblems, and much more.  Each student used graph paper to plan out their design and then transferred their pattern to their block.  According to their written accounts, choosing paint colours was both satisfying and personally meaningful, and the painting process itself, requiring the use of both tape and patience, was a valuable and positive learning experience.  The students took pride in having their finished blocks displayed at the Millbrook Fair.

Block designed and painted by Mrs. Sturgeon’s Grade 4 students, Millbrook South Cavan Public School, 2016.

Barn Quilt Trail Etiquette:

Please Respect Private Property. Most quilt blocks are installed on private property and should be viewed from the road.
Please do not trespass. In some cases - only where clearly indicated - the barn quilt may be located on a business and the property may be open to the public.

Please drive carefully. Stopping along busy roads can be dangerous and illegal. Use caution when slowing or stopping near a site